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total import中文是什么意思

用"total import"造句"total import"怎么读"total import" in a sentence


  • 进口总额


  • In the next seven years , china ' s total import volume will reach us $ 1 ~
  • Total imports of goods
  • The total import and export volume was up to us $ 5 . 19 billion , including exporting 460 , 000 vehicles
    进出口总额截止2001年已累计达到51 . 9亿美元,其中出口各种商用车、乘用车4 . 6万辆。
  • The total import / export value of suzhou industrial park bonded logistics center ( b type ) will beyond 2 billion
    园区海关保税物流中心( b型) 2005预计年进出口监管货值将超过20亿美元。
  • It is expected that during the period from 2004 to 2006 , china ' s total import of goods will exceed 1 . 5 trillion us dollars
    预计2004年到2006年,中国货物进口总额将超过1 . 5万亿美元。
  • The total import and export volume tripled over the last five years , and the amount of foreign direct investment actually used came to 274 . 08 billion dollars
    五年间,进出口贸易总额增长两倍,实际利用外商直接投资累计2740 . 8亿美元。
  • In 1999 , the total import and export volume reached 2 . 2 hundred 64 million yuan , and set up cooperated trading partnership with 138 countries and regions
  • In 1999 , the total imports of wood and article of wood accounted for us 125 million . the main sources come from malaysia , indonesia , gabon , usa and china
    1999年,本港入口的木材及木制品主要来自马来西亚印尼加蓬美国及中国,总值1 . 25亿美元。
  • Imports in the general trade , more affected by investment slowdown , only moved up 7 . 5 percent and the share in total imports was down by 2 . 5 percentage points
    一般贸易进口受投资需求放缓的影响较大,仅增7 5 ,占总进口比重下降2 5个百分点。
  • By 2003 , cofco ' s total import and export value had reached us $ 146 . 8 billion on an accumulative basis , us $ 78 . 5 billion for exports and us $ 68 . 3 billion for imports
    截至2003年,中粮集团进出口额累计1 , 468亿美元,其中,出口总额累计785亿美元,进口总额累计683亿美元。
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